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CUFE Business School 2019 New Year’s Gathering: The 15th Anniversary Celebrationof CUFE Business School and the Launching Ceremony of the 70th Anniversary of CUFE wasa success
Date :2019-01-08

30 December 2018, the CUFE Business School 2019 New Year’sGathering: The 15thAnniversary Celebrationof CUFE Business School and the Launching Ceremony of the 70thAnniversary of CUFE was successfully held.Professor Shi Jianping, VP of CUFE, and Professor Sun Guohui,VP of CUFE, were invited.ProfessorWang Ruihua, Dean ofCUFE Business Schooland Director of MBA Education Centre,Professor Ge Jianxin, Secretory of CUFE Business School PartyCommittee,were attended. Deputies of CUFE Business School board members,and over 700 faculty, students and alumni participated in the event.


The gathering party began with a powerful andreminiscentof the 15thAnniversary of CUFE Business School VCR. The video not only chronicledcountless people who worked hard for their dreams, but also witnessed thesteady development of CUFE Business School in the past 15 years.


Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business School and Directorof MBA Education Centre


Professor Wang Ruihua, Dean of CUFE Business School and Directorof MBA Education Centre, addressed the opening remarks.Dean Wangrecalled the remarkable achievements of CUFEBusiness School in 2018 and looked forward to its development in 2019. CUFEBusiness School was awarded A- Level in Business Administration discipline accreditationby the Ministry of Education. As the first university to recruit BM in Big Datamarketing program,CUFE Business School’s disciplinedevelopment was far ahead.  Finally, Dean Wang wished everyone a happy New Year and better achievementsin the 2019.




In the performance session, faculty, alumni and studentsperformed brilliant shows such as songs, dancing, magic tricks, poetryrecitation, comic dialogue show, stage drama, T stage show, cup dance, etc. Thevarious shows vividly exhibited the demeanor of the students in CUFE BusinessSchool and the fruitful achievements of campus culture and arts. The wonderful showsbrought by alumni expressed their originality and strong affection to CUFE aswell as Business School. The wonderful shows reflected the importance andsupports of CUFE Business School and its alumni in preparing the event.







Dancing: Pure Peace Tune byEndlessnessDance Troupe






Stage drama by alumni Mr.Yang Jinlin


Poetry recitationby faculty and students  


Calligraphy show by alumniMs. Jiang Xi


Comic dialogue show  


T stage show


Cup dance  


The Launching Ceremony of the 15thAnniversaryCelebration of CUFE Business School was held during the event. Professor ShiJianping, VP of CUFE, and Professor Sun Guohui, VP of CUFE, Professor WangRuihua, Dean of CUFE Business School and Director of MBA Education Centre, ProfessorGe Jianxin, Secretory ofCUFEBusiness SchoolParty Committee,Mr. Wang Zaiwen, Chair of the CUFE Business School Alumni Association,Mr. Feng Daren,Chair of the MBA Alumni Association,Mr. Zhang Geng, Chair of the CUFE Business School Finance Club, Ms. Yin Lili,Vice Chair of the MBA Alumni Association, Ms. Zhao Zeyu, undergraduate studentof year 2015, and Mr. Wang Yuchao, Former Chair the 14thMBAAssociation, started up the screen together with their palms. In the on-sitecountdown, the flames and lights on the screen were connected, heralding a newchapter of CUFE Business School.



Launching Ceremony of the 15thAnniversary Celebration ofCUFEBusinessSchooland the 70thAnniversary of CUFE


Mr. Feng Daren, MBA alumniof year 2007, Chair of the Zhongcairongshang (Beijing) Capital ManagementCo., Ltd.and Chair of the MBA AlumniAssociation, and Mr. Lu Shijie, alumni of year 1986, Chair of Zhongjinhuipu Co.,Ltd. and Director of the Centre for Cultural and Financial Studies, CUFE, addressedfor the event, respectively. They both greeted the 15thanniversaryof CUFE Business School and sent their New Year’s greetings.







Alumni greetings


The ChorusMy Dreamsung by all attendees had pushed the atmosphere of the gathering party to aclimax. All the performers went on stage in the background of the chorus towish everyone Happy New Year.


We,as faculty and alumni of CUFE, would remember theoriginal ideals and aspirations, and sing the strong voice of the times. We, asfaculty and alumni of CUFE Business School, would shoulder the responsibilitiesand recompose the brilliant new chapter.


Chorus:My dream


Group picture of all attendees


The 15thAnniversary Celebration of CUFE BusinessSchool and the Launching Ceremony of the 70thAnniversary of CUFEwas ended successfully under the supports of all staff and attendees. Bestwishes to CUFE Business School to progress ahead with original ideals andaspirations, and strive to write a new era and a new chapter.


Grouppicture of all staff



Previous:CUFE BusinessSchool held the 2018’Conference on Alumni Work and the Promotion Meeting of the 70th Anniversary of CUFE

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